Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving, whoops!

Well, happy late Thanksgiving! :) I was so busy that I forgot to write about how exciting it was and all of the stuff that you are supposed to say on Thanksgiving. As you can see I am trying to write about each holiday. I hope I keep that goal. For Christmas I am going to write something big because it is my favorite holiday and it is very important to me. And of course I think thanksgiving is just as important because family can be together and just talk. But when I have kids, I'm probably not going to have thanksgiving at my house. I'm going to have it at my mom's. I was really tired and last night I hurt my toe really bad, so I didn't go to school. But at about 2:00 I will go to school and stay there until school gets out. So, happy late Thanksgiving! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My favorite websites and games

Halloween is finally over. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad because I am soooooooooooooooooo tired of it. I think everyone takes it way too seriously. People are starting to buy a whole cart full of candy! At Walmart I saw this lady who had this cart full of candy filled to the top. I wonder how much that costs. Anyway, I just think that halloween is going way overboard.

For my free time I like to play games on websites such as  which is a site where you can take care of your own made up babies, which is a site where you can take care of your own made up horses, which has a lot of fun games on it, and where it also has a lots of different fun games. These are the websites that I am usually on. I hope that my blog is one of the websites that you mostly visit.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I have school off today because ( of course ) it's halloween. I wouldn't say halloween is my favorite holiday because christmas is, but I like all the candy. This halloween I think I am overdoing it with the candy. I had a grocery bag half full with candy, and now I have about two more tootsie rolls left. I usually eat the good candy first so that my dog (Cooper) can't steal anything that I like. Last night I watched "Pirates Of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" and it was pretty good, but I fell asleep to it in the middle. The first part of the movie made me scream. I was not expecting that man to all of the sudden wake up. I think that I am done with halloween until next year.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My school days

It seems like I have very short days. I have it all planned out. Getting ready for school: First I wake up at 7:30 (on good days). Then I get dressed, eat breakfast, get my stuff together, and leave for school. Then school ends (my favorite part of the day). I go home and do my homework. After that I do whatever. Then I do my chores. And then I eat dinner. Then I practice on the piano and violin. Finally I get ready to go to bed and then (of course) I go to bed.

As you can see I have really filled in days, but of course on bad days I don't do some of those things. For example I do not do my chores. Which does not mean I am a slacker, it just means sometimes I am lazy. Today I have so much homework because I never have enough time to do most of it at school. So I should probably do my homework by now.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


My (favorite) aunt and uncle came over with my (favorite) cousin Ellie. Ellie is sooooooooooooo cute. Today she is exactly 7 months old. Today is also my party. I am excited for that. My (favorite) aunt, Jacqueline, is helping with the party. Jacqueline also helped with my sister's party which was yesterday. She made green cupcakes with pink frosting (cute!).

Monday, September 12, 2011

My opinion of funny and cute

I was looking at pictures of cats and dogs on the internet, and I wanted other people (that read my blog) to see them so I decided to put them on my blog. Isn't that what a blog is for? Anyway, here they are.


I hope that cat can breathe

Poor cat.

This cat must have a problem.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

About me

Hello! I thought that I should tell you a few things that you should know about me. I LOVE animals. If I had to decide what my top three favorite animals are, then these would be my choices. #1 Dogs #2 Hamsters/Ferrets #3 Monkeys. I like most cats but not all kinds. I like watching ballet. I like to play the piano and I wish I could play the violin. I like to watch tv, play athletic activities, and once and a while read. My three favorite holidays are Christmas, Easter, and of course my birthday. I do not really have a favorite color. That is all you need to know about me (for now).