Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving, whoops!

Well, happy late Thanksgiving! :) I was so busy that I forgot to write about how exciting it was and all of the stuff that you are supposed to say on Thanksgiving. As you can see I am trying to write about each holiday. I hope I keep that goal. For Christmas I am going to write something big because it is my favorite holiday and it is very important to me. And of course I think thanksgiving is just as important because family can be together and just talk. But when I have kids, I'm probably not going to have thanksgiving at my house. I'm going to have it at my mom's. I was really tired and last night I hurt my toe really bad, so I didn't go to school. But at about 2:00 I will go to school and stay there until school gets out. So, happy late Thanksgiving! :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My favorite websites and games

Halloween is finally over. I am soooooooooooooooooooo glad because I am soooooooooooooooooo tired of it. I think everyone takes it way too seriously. People are starting to buy a whole cart full of candy! At Walmart I saw this lady who had this cart full of candy filled to the top. I wonder how much that costs. Anyway, I just think that halloween is going way overboard.

For my free time I like to play games on websites such as  which is a site where you can take care of your own made up babies, which is a site where you can take care of your own made up horses, which has a lot of fun games on it, and where it also has a lots of different fun games. These are the websites that I am usually on. I hope that my blog is one of the websites that you mostly visit.